person filming on a phone

What is UGC & How is it Different from Influencer Marketing?

When it comes to digital marketing, various strategies emerge in the field to engage and resonate with audiences. Two such strategies that have gained significant traction are user-generated content marketing and influencer marketing. While both involve leveraging content created by individuals outside of the brand, they operate in distinct ways to achieve different objectives. Diverse perspectivesDiverse perspectivesUGC brings a variety of perspectives and creativity to the brand’s narrative. This diversity adds richness to the brand’s image and appeal.

User-generated content marketing

User-generated content (UGC) refers to any form of content created by consumers or users of a product or service That includes things such as text, images, videos, reviews, and social media posts. UGC marketing is the practice of encouraging customers to create and share content related to a brand, product, or campaign. Brands curate and showcase this content on their own platforms or marketing channels to amplify its impact.


UGC is authentic and genuine, as it reflects the real experiences and opinions of customers. This authenticity resonates well with other potential customers, building trust and credibility.


UGC encourages active participation from customers, turning them into brand advocates. Customers become more engaged and invested when their content is featured by the brand.


UGC is cost-effective because brands don’t need to produce all the content themselves. Customers willingly contribute content, saving the brand time and resources.

Diverse perspectives

UGC brings a variety of perspectives and creativity to the brand’s narrative. This diversity adds richness to the brand’s image and appeal.

Community building

UGC fosters a sense of community among customers, who engage in conversations and discussions around the brand. This community-building aspect strengthens brand loyalty.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing involves collaborating with individuals who have a significant following and influence in a particular niche. These influencers create content that features the brand’s products or services, sharing their experiences and opinions with their followers. Brands leverage the reach and credibility of the influencers to connect with their target audience.

Reach and exposure

Influencers have established follower bases, giving brands access to a wider and often more targeted audience than they might have on their own.


Influencers are seen as experts in their respective fields. When they endorse a brand, their followers perceive it as a genuine recommendation.

Creative content

Influencers are skilled content creators. Their content can be highly creative and visually appealing, which is particularly effective for visually-driven platforms like Instagram.

Access to niche audiences

Influencers often cater to specific niches. Brands can tap into these niches to reach highly engaged and relevant audiences.


Influencers can personalize their endorsements based on their own experiences, making the content relatable and relaying a more authentic message.

UGC vs Influencer Marketing

There are a few key differences between user-generated content marketing and influencer marketing.

Source of content

User-generated content marketing: Content is created by consumers or users of the brand’s products or services.

Influencer marketing: Content is created by individuals who have a significant following and influence in a particular niche.

Ownership and Control

User-generated content marketing: Brands may have limited control over the content created by users, as it’s generated independently.

Influencer marketing: Brands collaborate with influencers, but the content is often developed within the brand’s guidelines and specifications.

Engagement level

User-generated content marketing: Encourages active engagement from customers who share their experiences and opinions.

Influencer marketing: Leverages the influencer’s engagement level and connection with their followers.


User-generated content marketing: Known for its authenticity, as it reflects real customer experiences.

Influencer marketing: Relies on the credibility and authority of the influencer in their niche.

Scope and reach

User-generated content marketing: Typically involves content shared by a wide range of customers, potentially reaching various segments.

Influencer marketing: Targets the followers of a specific influencer, often within a particular niche.