TikTok’s New Measurement Capabilities

Understanding TikTok’s New Measurement Capabilities and How to Implement Them

TikTok, the popular social media platform, has started offering a unique advertising landscape where users engage with content in an immersive manner. This distinctive experience has led to a situation where users interact with ads but wouldn’t want to disrupt their browsing on the platform. Instead, they can continue scrolling through TikTok, only returning to complete their buying journey later. Consequently, not every conversion is accurately captured using conventional measurement methods. TikTok stated that the platform is going to continue being dedicated to enhancing measurement transparency and objectivity for advertisers. The platform will further develop Attribution Analytics, introducing additional features, and extending support to various campaign types, including app, offline, and retail. This will ensure that advertisers have a clear view of the impact of their TikTok ads and can make data-driven decisions for their marketing strategies.


TikTok analytics tool

To address this challenge and provide advertisers with a more comprehensive understanding of their advertising campaigns on the platform, TikTok introduced Attribution Analytics within TikTok Ads Manager. This first-party measurement tool is designed to illuminate the buying journey on the platform, starting from the awareness and discovery stages, all the way to the action phases. This will provide a better understanding of the non-linear path users take toward making a purchase for advertisers. TikTok stated that a number of features will be introduced as part of the new TikTok analytics tool, with the initial feature being Performance Comparison, which will be a measurement tool that enables advertisers to visualize conversions across various attribution windows, helping them determine the most effective attribution strategy for their companies.


Comparison of events

Advertisers can use the tool to analyze and compare the amount of events that are reported with different attribution windows for important actions such as View Content and Add to Cart, the Checkout as well as the Purchase, and assess their impact on essential key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the cost per acquisition (CPA).


Visualizing conversion impact

Advertisers can use the tool to visualize the change in view-through and click-through conversions, along with CPA, across various blends of view and click attribution windows.


Future measurement strategies

Advertisers can use the insights gained from Performance Comparison to inform their future measurement strategies, ensuring they capture the full value of their campaigns.


Moving beyond last-click attribution

The tool allows advertisers to move beyond the limitations of last-click attribution, which often fails to capture the full impact of TikTok on businesses. Performance Comparison provides granular insights into user behavior, revealing conversions that occur after viewing or clicking an ad and the time it takes for these conversions to materialize.


Optimizing attribution window

Advertisers can determine the most suitable attribution window for their goals by comparing conversions across different attribution windows. This allows them to maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns based on the specific industry and purchase cycle.


Onboarding new measurement solutions

Advertisers can use the insights gained from the Performance Comparison tool to implement a holistic measurement strategy that captures the complete impact of TikTok ads. This approach may involve utilizing post-purchase surveys, conversion lift studies, or working with third-party attribution providers to establish multiple sources of truth about campaign performance.


Assessing the role of views on TikTok

Performance Comparison helps advertisers understand the impact of the views they generate on TikTok on generating view-based conversions. By offering both 1-day and 7-day view-through attribution (VTA) options, advertisers can gauge the effectiveness of ad views in assisting conversions.